N3W | GHOST Traktor


Postat av: Bob



/ \Hi, This is Bob

2009-05-28 @ 22:30:22
Postat av: N3W | GHO$T Traktor

Facch joo!!

2009-05-28 @ 22:31:25
Postat av: Facts

This is 10 facts

1. Your reading my? comment

2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.

3. You thought this would be a 4.

4. Your checking it now.

5. Your smiling.

6. Your still reading my comment.

7. You know all you have read is true.

8. You didnt notice that i skipped 9.

9. You didnt notice that it was only 9 facts

Fachh Joo!

2009-05-28 @ 22:34:08
Postat av: Mr.X

You or someone else already posted that before. It only lasts once.

2009-05-30 @ 13:59:47
Postat av: L0lz0r$

Barbro Mcdonald

060-51 36 51

2009-06-01 @ 19:25:40
Postat av: Anonym

Aladin Hajdarovic

019-26 02 78

2009-06-02 @ 21:33:58

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